Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Great Time Saver From Pinterest

Shredding Chicken
Kathie's Tip

Ah, Pinterest, the website that I enjoy.... too much.  It is loaded with such great ideas, some of which seem a little wacky.  Well call me wacky!!  I tried something today that I thought was crazy.  I shredded my chicken breast, for chicken salad, with my mixer.  Now I have a Kitchenaid stand mixer so I don't know if you could do this with a hand mixer or not but WOW.  (I will never hand shred chicken again.  I wonder if you could do this with beef...)  I was concerned that the chicken would wrap around the paddle but it didn't.  I used two chicken breast halves.  (Side note: you know how a chicken breast looks a little bit like the African continent?  Well, did you know that is actually half a chicken breast?  A whole chicken breast is two African continent shaped pieces of meat, joined together by some cartilage.)  So, I cooked a whole chicken breast, let it cool a little, then put it in the mixing bowl and let it go.  :)  Seriously, only about 20 or 30 seconds later.... shredded chicken.  Here are the pictures to show you how it came out.

Poaching Chicken
Dawn's Tip

If you have a recipe you need cooked chicken for, I suggest poaching it.  If you boil chicken in water until it's done, say 10-15 minutes, it will usually be a bit dry.  You've overcooked the chicken!  I saw once on a cooking show that you can actually poach chicken.  It turns out perfectly done and moist rather than dry.  Place your chicken in a pot and cover with water.  Bring to a boil, cover and remove from heat.  Let sit 15 minutes.  Check for white centers just to be sure it's done.  Enjoy!


Autumn said...

that's TERRIFIC! do you know what size mixer you have? I may be getting one as a birthday gift! :D

Dawn said...

I have tried this a couple times since Momma told me about it -- works like a charm! Used it for BBQ chicken sandwiches and chicken salad. I might have used it for chicken enchilada filling, but I can't remember. :-) Just make sure you start out slow until the chicken is broken a bit, then increase speed.

Autumn, my mixer is just the normal Artisan stand mixer size. But in Mango. ;-)

besnini said...

My mixer is like Dawn's in white

Jaclyn said...

I like to bake chicken at 350 for 30 minutes, but poaching sounds so much better for the summer heat when I do not want the oven on. I also use my crockpot to cook big batches of chicken for cubing and shredding!

Dawn said...

Could you share with us how you use your crockpot for batches of chicken? I do that for a big batch of Chicken Pot Pie filling, but what do you do for plain chicken? Water? Oo, I bet you could do a double whammy and make broth while you're at it! Do share!

besnini said...

I think Jaclyn should do a guest post! What do you all thinK? I'm all about easy ways to cook chicken.