Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Challenge to Vanity

Good heavens.  I promise we are not giving up on this blog!!  We have several posts in the making.  It's just that our "editor" has had many much things on her plate right now in many areas of life.  And blogging?  Well, it really should take a back seat to things like health, family, school, and house deadlines.  Thank you for bearing with us, and please don't give up on us as we refuse to give up on you, our readers!

I did want to do a quick post today while it's on my mind.  A while back, I walked through Ecclesiastes.  Revelation had always been my favorite book for years upon years -- but I dare say that Ecclesiastes and its impact on me may either tie or win out over Revelation.  It truly puts you in your place and gives you the RIGHT perspective on life's journey in this world.  Nothing lasts except what is done for Christ.  All but eternity is vanity.  And that includes the beauty our bodies may have.

As I was getting ready for a book study this morning, I became aware that I was thinking vain thoughts about a particular asset I think I have.  The thoughts were not intentional, nor were they a "prideful" kind of vain.  If that makes sense.  My thought was kind of a "matter of fact" thing.  But the Spirit immediately and graciously reminded me that it will not last.  And you know what happened?  I then thanked the Lord for the beauty He graciously gave me in this particular area and realized it is a privilege, not a right.  He taught me that vanity can quickly become gratitude.  I don't believe we have to think the worst of ourselves and what God has given us physically -- that's not the opposite of vanity.  The opposite of vanity is thankfulness and recognition that you are the way you are because that's how your Creator made you.  Why would you see yourself in the mirror and criticize what Almighty Creator God has done?  That isn't right, and neither is pride in how you look.  Just be thankful and quietly enjoy it while it lasts.

Challenge:  Think of something you like about the way you look or who you are.  Now thank God for being kind enough to make you the way He did!  And ask Him to help you enjoy it without being prideful or vain.

1 comment:

besnini said...

What a wonderful post and a great challenge.... I would say that no matter whose blog it was on. So glad to see the Lord working in your life :)