If you are a home manager and you're not on Pinterest -- get with it, girlfriend!
I am not one to usually shamelessly advertise such things; but when I find a gold mine, I get behind it! For those of you who may not have gotten the memo on what it is, I like to describe Pinterest as an online cork board. Once you have an account, you can create different "boards" for whatever interests you. Download the "Pin It" button for your browser's toolbar. Then, you can "follow" your friends and they can follow you. Or you can look at the entire Pinterest community for whatever suits your fancy. You can "pin" anything from other Pinners or from anywhere online: encouraging posts, recipes, humorous photos, Christmas gift ideas, party decor, fashion, crafts, front doors, sewing, cool nature pics, silly sayings, hair style how-to's, pantry organization ... *brain explodes thinking of all one can pin*
Whew. Ok. So why is Pinterest so amazing? Because if you remember you saw that really cool tip somewhere...somewhere...oh, where was it?? Just go to your Pinterest boards, click on that pin, and viola! It takes you right to the page you found it. Can we say TIME & SANITY SAVER?
Danger, danger! If you are an idea-holic like I am, Pinterest can easily suck vast amounts of time away from your day. It can certainly become a too-much-of-a-good-thing situation. So be careful and controlled. Use Pinterest as a tool. Don't let it use you. And in my opinion, the only way it is your tool and not a time-waster is this... USE WHAT YOU PIN. Sure, I have a few boards to store quotes, verses, and pictures I like. That's fine. But if that's all your Pinterest account is made up of, then it's probably a time waster (unless you spend even more time going back through all those quotes and pictures...which means you're probably wasting more time.) Pin things that will help you be a better home manager. Try out some of those resourceful ideas and recipes. Go back to the gifts lists when birthdays and Christmas come around. Get crafty and beautify your home with cheap but cool art ideas. Organize those tough places.
If you have no one to invite you to Pinterest, let me know and I'll hook you up!
My favorite pins: a quick and easy way to hem pants (oh my WORD... I'm a pants hemming fool now!), an entire board called "Virtual What Not to Wear" in which several women have helped me find my personal style now that I am through with havin' babies and nursing, future quilt ideas (yeah, whenever I have time for that again!), organization tips in all areas of the home..... Ok. This is not a good list to continue. Because I'll end up wasting time by telling you about all my boards! :-P
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